Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of January 13, 2025, 08:25:23 PM CST or prior.
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Hogs Post Gains to Kick Off the Week -

Lean hog futures posted nearby gains of 55 to 62 cents on Monday. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $79.14 on Monday

Wheat Bulls Pushing Higher on Monday -

The wheat market was in rally mode on Monday, joining in on the rest of the grains. Chicago SRW futures were up double digits, with gains of 12 to

Corn Extends Post USDA Rally into Monday -

The Corn market shot higher again on Monday, with contracts up 6 to 8 cents in follow through buying from the tighter balance sheets USDA left on

Soybeans Rally into the Close on Monday -

Soybeans put on a rally on Monday, as buying fallout from Friday’s USDA reports continued. Contracts were up another 20 to 28 cents across most

Cattle Fall Back in Late Monday Pressure -

Live cattle futures showed positive trade at midday, but sellers showed up after lunch to close with losses of $1.05 to $1.57 in most contracts.

Cotton Bounce Back on Monday -

Cotton futures closed out the Monday session with contracts 56 to 63 points higher on the day. The outside factors were mostly friendly, as the US

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The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange